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Axis Neptune最初是Josh Cotterill卧室里的一个个人项目,现在是一个有前途且强大的独立摇滚乐队。乐队由Josh Cotterill担任主唱;键盘手David Yang,吉他手Hikmat Yakha (AKA Binoy) 和鼓手Patrick Waldron。

Starting out as a solo project in Josh Cotterill's bed room in 2020, Axis Neptune is now a powerful indie rock outfit. The band consists of Josh Cotterill on vocals; keyboardist David Yang, guitarist Hikmat Yakha (AKA Binoy), and drummer Patrick Waldron.

Axis Neptune的首张专辑《Reasons》受到BBC Introducing推荐节目的好评,单曲Cherry Red亦被选为BBC Introducing推荐节目在他的家乡约克郡的本周曲目。从那以后,Axis Neptune在创作的路上更有力的前行。乐队继续制作新的音乐作品,并实时发布展示他们的音乐作品,包括之后发行的单曲《Solar》,《Wild and Broke》,《Let Me Go》和《Feathers》,这些作品获得了积极的评价和国际范围越来越多的关注者。

Axis Neptune's debut album Reasons was critically acclaimed by BBC Introducing, CGTN Radio, and Groover Obsessions, and others after the debut single, Cherry Red, was chosen as BBC Introducing's track of the week in his home county of Yorkshire. Since then, Axis Neptune have gone from strength to strength. The band continues to produce new music that showcases their evolving sound, including their releases Solar, Wild and Broke, Let Me Go, and Feathers, which have received positive reviews and a growing international following.

2022 年,他们在 Sofar Sounds、CGTN、中国国际广播电台演出,在 10 月发行单曲《Solar》后,他们在小块儿唱片的第一个在线音乐节 Nugchella 2022 上现场直播演出。乔什·科特里尔 (Josh Cotterill) 作为音乐词曲作者、制作人,还为于2022年12月15日在上海举行的GQ中国年度风云人物活动创作了名为《Glitter Ball》的音乐作品。

In 2022 they performed on Sofar Sounds, CGTN, China Radio International, and after their single Solar released in Oct they played live on Nugget Records first online music festival, Nugchella 2022. Josh Cotterill, as a music songwriter, producer, also created musical composition entitled Glitter Ball for GQ China’s Men of the Year event in Shanghai on December 15th 2022.